Above all, the natural scenery of the Zugspitze, the Wetterstein, the eight lakes and the untouched valleys offer a special charm for nature lovers.
Even for non-professional cyclists, there are many gourmet tours and freeride trails. For a long time, the region has been traded among insiders as THE tip for a quality mountain bike experience.
1. Seebensee
Length: approx. 9 km - Duration: approx. 2 hours - Ascent: approx. 150 m
This easy bike tour starts at the valley station of the Ehrwalder Almbahn and leads through an idyllic high forest region to the Seebenalm, from there uphill to Seebensee.
2. Mieminger Kette
Length: approx. 72 km - Duration: approx. 6.5 hours - Ascent: approx. 2,700 m
This challenging round trip begins in Ehrwald, first downhill through the Gaistal to Telf. The ascent to the Alplhaus is very sporty, over the Mieminger plateau to Biberwier and Ehrwald.
3. Wetterstein
Length: approx. 85 km - Duration: approx. 7 - 8 hours - Ascent: approx. 1,700 m
Difficult tour recommended only for experienced bikers. This bike tour leads to Garmisch-Patenkirchen in D and back to Ehrwald. Sporty climbs wait for the whole route.

Sport Leitner
Kirchplatz, 6632 Ehrwald
Tel.: +43 (0)5673/2371
Zweirad Zirknitzer (Bike Verleih + Reparaturen)
Zugspitzstr., 6632 Ehrwald
Tel.: +43 (0)5673/3219